Our Approach
The Refugee Hub is a non-profit organization that seeks to secure a basic information base to help you settle in Australia, especially those coming from an Arab background.
We not only provide information, but we also offer experiences of newcomers seeking to share their experiences in Arabic and English.
محور اللاجئن مؤسسة غير ربحية تسعى لتأمين قاعدة معلومات اساسية تساعدك على الاستقرار في استراليا خصوصا الاشخاص القادمين من خلفية عربية.
نحن لا نقدم معلومات فحسب بل نقدم ايضا تجارب قادمين جدد يسعون لمشاركتنا بتجاربهم باللغة العربية والانكليزية.
Our Story
We started as a group on Facebook helping Syrian refugees to exchange information and experiences for stability in Australia. We were able to form a team that manages the group and also coordinates with the Syrian-Australian associations, the Australian associations such as LMA and others, and we worked with them to deliver their activities to the Syrian community.
And then, after a few months, we participated in a competition to serve refugees called Questathon
We were able to win the first prize, which was a $ 3,000 project financing plan
Meet the Team
يدير هذا الموقع مجموعة من المتطوعين يسعون للوصول الى قاعدة من المعلومات باللغة العربية تساعدك في الاستقرار في استراليا
Mrs : Rim Daghmash Shalan
Marketing Maneger
Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.
Mr : Mahmoud Murad
Founder & CEO
An immigrant to Australia who’s interested in social work, disability, history and community services. Mahmoud has found refugee hub and was part of several social and community activities in Australia
Mr : Ammar Halabi
An immigrant engineer who’s interested migration, life style, technology and outdoor.
The Dubarah Australia formally acknowledges the unique position of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and custodians of the land.